What NOT to do at the gym

- Leave sweat on machines – if you sweat, it’s going to drop off, be polite, wipe it off.
- Drop free weights from a height – the loud clunk makes people’s heads turn, yes, but we do not think “wow, look at him lifting big weights”, we think “what an idiot using weights that are too heavy for him”.
- Wear clothing that are too tight – it’s very unpleasant to see biceps bulging out of clothing just wear the next size up, it’s not difficult.
- Sit on machines not doing anything – it’s just rude. I know people often do a set of reps and pause then do another set of reps but there’s no excuse for just sitting on a machine looking at your phone or for longer than a short pause.
- Compare yourself to other people (unless it positively motivates you)
- Use poor technique – injury alert! The instructors are there for a reason, follow their advice about how to exercise, they do know a thing or two! Don’t just swan about like you own the place using equipment badly, you look like an idiot!
- Pose in front of the mirrors – watching for correct technique, ok, posing, not ok…
- Watch other people – it’s unnerving and again, just rude.
- Grunt and groan – this doesn’t help anyone and just annoys the people around you.
- Join in January – New Year resolutions don’t work, if you want to get fit, lose weight, tone up, whatever, why wait for January when it’s going to be overcrowded with people who aren’t going to stick around anyway?…join when you feel motivated, Feb 16th is as good-a-time as May 27th, just do it!
- Sing out loud to your music – some quiet humming for a VERY short time is kinda funny but any longer is VERY annoying!
- Be put off by people who think they’re God’s gift to humanity – they’re not so don’t worry about it!
I know the guys who need to read this aren’t going to but the rest of us can have a giggle thinking about all those who make these mistakes over and over every day! It’s best to giggle, otherwise we’d get really annoyed!!