You don’t realise what you’ve got until you lose it
This is just a quick blog to help me remember what I’ve got!
Recently Steve (my husband) has been working all hours because he’s had tight deadlines for a big project. (Not his fault at all, just the way things are.) I have hardly seen him as he’s been coming home after I’ve been going to bed and I go out to work before he gets up in the morning. I’ve done a lot of things we usually do together, alone.
A couple of nights ago he’d worked all day and into the night, so late that the sun was actually coming up for the next day when he got home. I couldn’t sleep waiting for him that night and when he arrived home our embrace was as though we’d been apart for a month, I didn’t want to let go.
I know I love Steve with all my heart but it’s easy to get caught up the day to day and lose sight of what really matters.

People often use the phrase, “you don’t realise what you’ve got until you lose it”, now, I didn’t have to go through this experience to realise what an amazing man Steve is but this has been a wake up call, a reminder to really treasure what we have, while we have it.
Steve may well have a few annoying habits but don’t we all?! I definitely do! What really matters is that he’s someone I can talk to about anything, he supports me unquestioningly with everything I do, he’s there to celebrate the joyous time and we cry together through the sad times, he’s reliable and my absolute rock, life without him leaves an enormous hole.
How many of us take friends and family for granted? Just think for a second if those close to you suddenly weren’t there anymore, how would it feel? Would you be thinking “I wish I’d said…” or “I should have told them…”. I don’t want this to be a depressing blog about loss, instead, I want to be uplifting, an aid for us to be grateful for the things we have and to really appreciate them!
On that note…
I just want to say a huge thank you to the people who’ve stuck by me through thick and thin; I know I’ve annoyed you, I know I’ve frustrated you, I know I’ve scared you and I know I’ve made things really hard for you. “Thank you” does not feel enough but just know, I’m sorry and I’m grateful, from the bottom of my heart. I may not be here and I certainly wouldn’t be the person I am today if it were not for you.xx
I’ve been fortunate that I’ve had this realisation through a period of time when Steve’s just busy at work. I wanted to write this blog to try and capture this feeling so, when life returns to normal, I don’t take him for granted or get caught up in the irrelevant, instead, I hold onto how deeply in love I am with him and the feelings I have for him that are simply beyond words!