Things that bring me joy
I wrote a post a little while ago about things that get under my skin so I thought it about time to write about the random things in life that do just the opposite and put a great big grin on my face!
I wrote a post a little while ago about things that get under my skin so I thought it about time to write about the random things in life that do just the opposite and put a great big grin on my face!
Do you always feel as though happiness is over-there-somewhere? Never quite within reach? Do you judge your current situation as not good enough? Do you set goals, thinking, “when I attain that, I’ll be happy”? Happiness is more likely to be attained if you re-frame your thinking.
but what does that mean? Are you happy? Is it possible to be happy all the time? Can we force happiness? How do we know when we’re truly happy? Is superficial happiness good enough?